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13 Must-Read Human Nature & Psychology Books for a Smarter, Happier You

13 Must-Read Human Nature & Psychology Books for a Smarter, Happier You

Do you ever wonder why people act the way they do? Or how you can make better choices and handle tough situations easily? Let’s dive into the exciting world of psychology books – it’s all about understanding how humans behave and think.

In this blog, we’ll go on an exciting journey through 16 must-read books about human nature and psychology. These books explore emotions, personality, and the mysteries of the human mind. They’ll help you understand yourself and others better than ever!

Get ready to boost your productivity, mental strength, and happiness. These books will transform you and give you the knowledge to face life’s challenges and reach your full potential.

I have ranked these books based on the following criteria:

Best Books on Human Nature & Psychology of All Time

1. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)


“The real difference between us and chimpanzees is the mysterious glue that enables millions of humans to cooperate effectively.”

“Sapiens tells the story of how our species came to be and how

we have affected the world around us. Harari says that we’ve become successful because we can work together in big groups.

This teamwork helped us do incredible things like inventing farming, science, and technology. But sometimes, it also caused big problems like wars and harming the environment.

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key takeaways from the book:

2. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)


“Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it.”

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” will explain you how your mind works with two important systems. System 1 and System 2.

System 1 is like our quick, intuitive, and emotional side. It helps us react fast to everyday things without thinking too much.

For example, when you catch a ball without even planning, that’s System 1 at work.

System 2, on the other hand, is like our slow, careful, and rational side. It comes into play when we have to solve tricky problems or make important decisions. Imagine when you need to figure out a challenging math problem – that’s when System 2 helps you think carefully.

The book suggests that we rely on System 1 most of the time because it’s faster and easier. But System 2 is like a superhero that comes to our rescue when we face complicated situations.

However, System 1 has a little weakness. It can sometimes lead us in the wrong direction. That’s because it can be influenced by our feelings and shortcuts our brain takes, known as biases and heuristics. 

So, it’s essential to be aware of this and sometimes ask System 2 to double-check our decisions.

The Book In One Sentence: 

Key Takeaways:

3. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.91/5)


“Humans, by their nature, are curious, self-directed learners. We learn to walk by walking. We learn to talk by talking. And we learn to work by working.”

Book in One Sentence?

This book tells us that what motivates us is different than what we usually think. It says that when we do things because we enjoy them, want to get better at them, or because they have a purpose, we are more motivated.

Why Should You Read It?

Key Takeaways:

4. The Social Animal by David Brooks

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.8/5)


“The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain.”

This book talks about how humans behave and why we act the way we do when we’re around others. The author, Brooks, tells that all of us are social creatures, meaning we like being with other people.

Our brains are designed to want friends and connections. In the book, Brooks explains that the way people behave is influenced by the signals we get from others, how well we know ourselves, and the culture we grow up in.”

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

5. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.7/5)


“Self-awareness is the ability to monitor our inner world—our thoughts and feelings—and be mindful of our moods and emotions as they arise.” – Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence says that understanding and handling feelings, both our own and other people’s, is crucial for success in life.

It’s just as important as IQ, which measures how smart we are. According to Goleman, emotional intelligence means being able to recognize our emotions and the emotions of others

It also means knowing how to motivate ourselves and control our emotions in ourselves and in our interactions with others. So, emotional intelligence helps us do well in our relationships and in managing our own feelings.

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

6. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.6/5)


“Champions don’t do extraordinary things. They do ordinary things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They follow the habits they’ve learned.”

“The Power of Habit is a book that explains why we do things the way we do and how we can change them. Duhigg says that habits are like routines our brain follows, but they’re not impossible to change.

He explains the three steps of a habit:

To show how powerful habits can be, Duhigg shares some interesting stories.

For example, he talks about how a famous swimmer named Michael Phelps used habits to become really successful.

He also explains how Starbucks, a big coffee company, changed its way of doing things by rewarding its employees differently.

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

7. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.56/5)


“The human being is the only animal that thinks about the future.”

This is a cool book that explores how we feel happy. Gilbert says that we’re not good at knowing what will make us happy in the future, so sometimes we make choices that we think will make us happy, but they don’t really. To explain this, he tells us about lots of studies and stories.

For example, he talks about people who win the lottery. We might think they become super happy, but actually, they don’t stay happy for long. He also says that getting married doesn’t always make people as happy as they thought it would.

Gilbert also explains that our brains like to focus on bad things more than good things. This can make us pick things that aren’t really good for us in the long run.

“Stumbling on Happiness” is a super interesting book that makes you think about happiness in a new way. If you read it, you’ll understand why we might not feel as happy as we want to be, and what we can do to feel happier.

It’s a book you should read if you want to know more about being happy.

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

8. Behave: The Biology of Humans at Their Best and Worst by Robert Sapolsky

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.53/5)


“Our biology is always there, always affecting us, and there’s no way of getting away from it.”

“The Biology of Humans at Their Best and Worst” by Robert Sapolsky is a book that talks about why people act the way they do.

Sapolsky is a smart professor who studies how our bodies and brains work together to shape our behavior.

In this book he tells about a lot of things that affects how we act, like our bodies, our environment, and even the world around us.

This book  will make you think a lot about why we do the things we do. If you’re curious about why we think, feel, and act the way we do, this book is a must-read!

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

9. The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.52/5)


“The only way to gain power in a world that is moving too fast is to learn to slow down.”

The Laws of Human Nature” by Robert Greene is an interesting book that talks about the rules that guide how people behave. Greene, who is a famous writer, explains that there are 18 important laws that control how we act.

If we know and understand these laws, we can be better at dealing with others. The laws are divided into three parts: Power, Strategy, and Self-Mastery.

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

10. What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People by Joe Navarro

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.51/5)


“Movements are powerful communicators and are often the first to be noticed and the last to be controlled.”

“What Every Body is Saying” by Joe Navarro, teaches you how to understand what people are thinking and feeling just by looking at their body movements.

Joe Navarro used to be a special agent who worked for the FBI and he was really good at understanding how people communicate without using words.

The book is divided into three parts:

If you want to understand how body language works and how to use it to your advantage, you should definitely read this book!

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

11. Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships by Eric Berne

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.5/5)


“Everyone is born as a potential genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.”

The book “Games People Play” by Eric Berne talks about how people behave in their relationships. Eric Berne was a psychiatrist who said that everyone plays games in their relationships without even realizing it. These games can be sneaky and controlling.

He found 36 different games that people play, and he divided them into 3groups: Passive-Aggressive, Competitive, and Collaborative.

The book “Games People Play” is really interesting and helps you understand how relationships work. It’s essential to read if you want to know about these games and how to avoid getting caught up in them.

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

12. The Daily Laws by Robert Greene

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.46/5)


“Never underestimate the power of your own mind. You are capable of great things, if you only believe in yourself.”

“Robert Greene in this book, he writes about how to be really good at things and how to make good decisions. He believes that the rules for being powerful and skilled apply to everyone and can help us do better in everything we do.

The book has 365 chapters, one for each day of the year. Each chapter is a short lesson about a different rule for power or mastery. These rules come from what Greene wrote in his other books, and also from what he learned in his own life.

‘The Daily Laws’ is a really interesting and makes you think. It will change how you see power, strategy, and mastery. If you want to be better at what you do, you should definitely read this book!”

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

13. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

Rating: ★★★★★ (4.43/5)


“We can use the same principles that can be so destructive to become constructive.” – Robert Cialdini

Influence is a book that explains  how to convince people to do things. It explains six important ways to persuade others:

The book gives many examples to show how these principles work. It talks about salespeople using them to sell things, politicians using them to win votes, and charities using them to raise money.

This Book in One Sentence:

Why should you read it?

Key Takeaways:

The 6 principles of persuasion are:


We really like psychology because it’s one of the most useful things you can learn about. Psychology is all about understanding how humans think and feel, and that helps us in our relationships with others and ourselves. We read these books and our lives got better, and we believe the same can happen for you.

Understanding your thoughts and feelings is not always easy. But when you do, it opens up new possibilities for living a better life, way better than you ever thought possible. The more you learn about psychology, the better you become at recognizing negative thoughts and feelings, so you can beat them and be happier and healthier.

Now, we want to know, what do you think is the most important thing to know about psychology and how do you think it can help you and others? Let us hear your thoughts!

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