Hey, this is CultureBillionaire, and today I want to share my story with all of you.

I always wanted to work in a nice company and have a job. However, when I was in college, everything changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was a life-changing moment for me. With a lot of time on my hands, a friend introduced me to dropshipping as a way to earn money.

My friend and I were very excited about it, but we didn’t have the funds to start a dropshipping business. So, we researched ways to earn money from home and stumbled upon logo designing and affiliate marketing.

We tried our hand at making logos but failed. We also attempted affiliate marketing by posting

links everywhere, but we lacked knowledge and experience, resulting in failure. Despite our lack of expertise, we didn’t give up.

We noticed that people were making money through YouTube, so we started our own gaming channel.

My friend played Call of Duty, while I played PUBG, and we uploaded our gameplay videos on YouTube.

Unfortunately, we weren’t getting any views, so we decided to invest some money in paid advertising.

While it generated some views, it was expensive, and we couldn’t afford to continue.

Things weren’t going well for us, and to make matters worse, college started again. My friend seemed to have forgotten about our online ventures,

but I remained curious and determined to make money online. I watched countless videos on making money from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first book that I ever read was “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” and I would say that I am thankful to myself for making the decision to read it because I don’t usually enjoy reading books.

However, I read it because I had heard a lot about it.

This book completely changed my perspective, and after reading it, I was absolutely certain that I didn’t want to pursue a traditional job.

When COVID-19 struck again, I was more focused than ever. I took an Instagram course to learn how to grow an Instagram page and earn money from it.

After a year of hard work, my Instagram page started growing, and I made some money from it.

However, just when things were going well, a shock hit my life. I fell ill and developed Pulmonary Edema.

Additionally, I injured my back while playing sports, causing excruciating pain.

It took me 12 months to recover from these health issues. During that time, I felt like giving up, and I even experienced depression. But when I finally recovered, I made a commitment to myself not to give up.

I decided to learn from those who had already achieved success. With the money I earned from Instagram, I invested in learning about

YouTube, affiliate marketing, and more about Instagram business. I bought several courses, and while some were useless, a couple of them were mind-blowing.

I also delved into personal development and read self-help books like

“Think and Grow Rich,” “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” “The Power of Subconscious Mind,” “The 4-Hour Workweek,” “The Psychology of Money,” “Influence: Science and Practice” by Robert Cialdini, “Can’t Hurt Me,” and many others focused on business and sales.

I also started prioritizing my fitness because good health is essential for success, if you are not healthy you will not be able to do any work therefore health and fitness first.

Armed with newfound knowledge, I tried everything I had learned. After a long time, I finally

succeeded in growing one of my YouTube channel to over 70,000 subscribers and my Instagram account to over 150,000 followers. I also dabbled in affiliate marketing alongside my social media presence. 

I have hidden my channel name and some details because if I revealed them, many people would start clickbaiting my videos, which would deduce my videos’ watch time and CTR.

So, now I’m a seven-figure online earner with multiple businesses, including affiliate marketing, YouTube automation, Instagram theme pages, digital product sales, and blogging.

The journey was incredibly difficult, but I learned valuable lessons along the way that I want to share with you:

  • First, never ever give up because there is nothing like the word “failing.” It’s not failing; it’s trying, learning from mistakes, and improving.
  • Second, dream big no matter what your present situation is. If I told you how much you want to earn per month, most people would say $1,000 to $10,000. Why only $10,000?

Why not $1 million per month? Why not $10 million per month? If you do not think big, then it’s 100% sure that you will not reach your goals.

But if you think big, like $100,000 per month or $1 million per month, and try to achieve it, even though you won’t achieve that goal in one shot, and even if you were only able to achieve 40% of it, then it’s also more than what you earned before.

Remember, Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars

Note that this is not advice to ignore; this is the most important advice you will ever receive.

If you watch any millionaire or billionaire video or read any book, this is the advice each and every one of them will give you, for sure.

  • Third, consistency is key. Note that if I had given up like my friend did, I would have been doing a normal 9-to-5 job like him. 
  • And lastly, just by reading a lot of books and watching many motivational videos or simply learning new things or skills, you will never reach your goal. After learning, you have to try and practice those lessons.

Remember, learning swimming from a book or a coach and actually going into the water to start swimming are two different things.

What I mean to say is that whenever you are learning anything from any book or any person, as soon as you learn, start implementing the lessons as soon as you can.

Only learning something will not help you reach your goal; along with learning, you have to practice it too.

Now I have created this blog to provide you with a lot of value for FREE

I will be posting some of the best content on the entire internet on Self-improvement, YouTube, Affiliate Marketing and Make money online tips to help you grow and earn online.

I will also recommend you  the best books and provide their summaries for FREE.